October 20, 2015 Iron Smelt at Tunnel Mill
Created: October 20, 2015
Last Revised: April 20, 2020
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This is the latest of 3 iron ore smelts that we have done at Tunnel Mill
It is a more or less sequential record of how this smelt proceeded, but it isn't exactly a "how-to" lesson. Here are some useful links for anyone interested in trying one of these smelts:
Our 2012 Smelt:
Our task list for a smelt is here:
Post smelt notes for this 2015 smelt are here:
Randy Purchase's photo essay:
Lee Sauder's website:
The whole thing went very well and the weather cooperated superbly.
We got about 7 pounds of high quality bloom that needed hardly any consolidation. We also got about another 4 pounds
of material that we think we can work with sometime in the future.
According to Lee Sauder's method, we should have gotten about twice a much iron, but we are in contact with Lee to figure out
how to improve our output next season.
The furnace stood up very well and we think we can follow Lee's repair directions to get at least one more run from it.
All in all, though, we were very happy with the results.
![Chunks of Cooled hardened Slag](CooledSlagLoRes.JPG)
Chunks of Cooled hardened Slag
![The Smelt Site while the Furnace is being Cured](CuringTheFurnaceLores.JPG)
The Smelt Site while the Furnace is being Cured
![The Furnace in operation](LazyFlameLoRes.JPG)
The Furnace in operation
![Bar of wrought Iron we made with Ore in the foreground](RawMaterialsAndProductsLoRes.JPG)
Bar of wrought Iron we made with Ore in the foreground
![Slag Tapping](SlagRunALoRes.JPG)
Slag Tapping
![Testing Carbon Content of the Wrought Iron](SparkTestLoRes.JPG)
Testing Carbon Content of the Wrought Iron
![Record of the Smelting Data](TimesAndScienceLoRes.JPG)
Record of the Smelting Data
![Coppwe Tuyere](JohnsTuyere.jpg)
The Copper Tuyere (There's a removable Sight Glass at the other end)