My Gilbert Erector Set Picture Gallery
Created: November 30, 2012
Last Revised: October 22, 2023
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Here below, are pictures of most of my small collection of Gilbert Erector Sets.
Individual Sets, Etc.:
Some of these sets are in the same condition today that they were when I got them. In some cases, have done some cleaning and some rust
removal. In a few cases, I have added parts to complete a set.

4 1/2 Set in Cardboard Box, 2 1/2 underneath it
5 1/2 Set with two similar 10042 sets underneath

My Best 8 1/2 set (sitting on another one). It came to me fully inventoried
A pretty good, well cared for 8 1/2 set

One of two 10 1/2 sets. Okay box condition, missing a few parts
12 1/2 set, So-So Box, Missing a lotta parts

I made this electromagnet. Cover is from an old water meter
Boxes of Miscellaneous Erector Set Parts manuals, etc., that I have collected

Close up of the really nice wooden box that someone made
Here's the cover of a 100 page "Meccano" manual: Forerunner to Erector

One of the more complicated Mecanno Projects