My Woodshop's Messy Dust Collection System
Date Created: July 23, 2022
Last Revised: October 23, 2023
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How I Collect the Wood Dust and the Planer Shavings
I have seen many really great, and Hi-Tech dust collection systems in other peoples' woodshops. Some are even automated to the point where the "System"
"knows" when a particulat machine has been powered up and automatically turns the dust collector and operates all the needed valves.
I do admit to being jealous of those guys, but some of my machines are out in the middle of the shop and I don't want pipes running all over the ceiling and hanging down.
Maybe I am a bit too lazy to go to all that work???
Here's the "main feature" of the system, the Overhead Pivoting 4 inch flexible hose.
This hose allows me to easily connect to either the table saw, the planer's cyclone seprator or to the 6 inch jointer It is even long enough to reach my wood lathe,
which is over on the opposite side of the shop.
![Flexible Overhead dust collection tube](Dust_Collector_pix/DC Overhead 4 inch Collection Pipe to Planer Cycle SeparatorSM.JPG)
Here's my "Octopus" of 4 inch pipes leaving the dust collector. Note the many gate valves. Most of the time I only use two of them.
![Main Dust Collector Octopus](Dust_Collector_pix/DC From DC to Floor Inlet and BranchesSM.JPG)
I have two tubes sucking dust from the radial arm saw. One 2 1/2 inch line is attached to the saw's shroud.
But to catch the sawdust from the back side of the saw (where most of the dust goes anyway, I installed a simple metal box to catch the dust. It is attached to another 2 1/2 inch
line, too, and it does a pretty good job for crosscuts, at least.
Here you can see the connections and valving to connect to the radial arm saw's blade guard and to the small jointer (which is off to the left of the picture.
You can also see, just in back of the saw's guard, the 5 inch by 10 inch metal box that collects dust from the saw blade. A 2 1/2" flexible hose connects to its
lower right corner.
And yes, I know that its all sorta messy, but it really works well for me.
![Dust collector Connections between radial arm saw and small jointer](Dust_Collector_pix/DC 2 and a half inch piping for Radial Arm Saw and 4 inch JointerSM.JPG)
My 4 inch jointer doesn't get a whole lot of use, but I hooked it up with a 2 1/2 inch hose anyway, as you can see here.
![2 1/2 inch flexible hose to small jointer](Dust_Collector_pix/DC Past Radial Arm Saw to 4 inch Jointer and Branches SM 2.JPG)
Overhead 4 inch hose Connected to the table saw:
![Table saw to dust collector](Dust_Collector_pix/DC Overhead 4 inch Collection Pipe to Table Saw 2SM.JPG)
Overhead 4 inch hose now Connected to my 6 inch Jointer:
![6 inch Jointer to Dust Collector](Dust_Collector_pix/DC Overhead 4 inch Collector Pipe to 6 inch JointerSM.JPG)
The long hose connected to the planer's cyclone separator.
![4 inch flexible hose to planer cyclon separator](Dust_Collector_pix/DC Overhead 4 inch Collection Pipe to Planer Cycle SeparatorCropped.JPG)