Fractions, The Whole Process on ONE Page!
Last Revised: October 19, 2023
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Many years ago, when my eldest son was learning fractions, he came home one night and asked for some help.
I thought it would be an easy task to simply explain the part of the process he was having trouble with by showing him that spot in the textbook.
NO SIMPLE TASK! It took me quite a while to figure out where to look. The index didn't help.
Trying to flip pages didn't help much either. It was sort of like looking up a word in the dictionary when you don't know how to spell it.
So, after we finally waded through his assigned problems, I decided to build this flowchart.
This chart covers the basics of "Fractions", all on ONE PAGE!

To use this chart (which is often called a "flowchart"):
Simply go to the "Start" box in the upper left hand corner and follow the down arrow to the first (diamond-shaped) "Decison" box.
Read the text in the box and answer the question. Then follow the arrow that is appropriate for the answer you gave.
Answer the question in the next box or do what it tells you to do. And so on, until you are "DONE"
There are "notes" in a few places to help clarify certain things.
You will always start in the upper left hand corner, the "Start" box and end in the middle of the right hand
side at the "Done" box.
No matter how "lost" you might be, you can look through the various boxes (symbols) to find out where you are in the process and where to go next.
I envision it as being of most use to parents like myself who have, many years ago committed the principles of fractions to rote memory
and don't remember all the technical terms used in a school-like setting.
Here's a somewhat rambling Youtube video I made in 2023, that explains the chart layout in more detail:
One Page Fraction Cheat Sheet for Parents
To print a paper copy for yourself, right click on the image above, copy and paste it into your favorite image handling program for printing.
Here's a larger image for printing, if you need it