Pete's Cub Cadet Grease Rack
Last Revised: October 23, 2023

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Loose Steering/Worn out Knuckle and Arm
Rear Drive Shaft drive pins Hard to replace
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We have several narrow frame Cub Cadets to maintain and I don't like having to kneel down to work on them.
Some of them have
the quick attach implement mechanism but some don't, so there are also issues of cleaning the underside of
the mower deck, sharpening blades, replacing the occasional belt and changing oil.
All of the above convinced me that I needed a better way to put the machine where I needed it for service.
So I designed and built the "grease rack" you see above. It gets the whole machine 2 feet off the floor.
A neat feature is that the center sections of the treads are removeable to give complete access to the underside
of the mower deck and more.
When cleaning the deck or when removing blades for sharpening, I sit on my roll-around stool while I work. Much easier
than removing the deck, even if you do have a "QA" mule.
By the way, I use an air impact wrench to remove the blade nuts. And I always apply the nickel-bearing Anti-sieze to
the nuts when I put them back on.
Top side service is also much easier too, because I can stand comfortably beside the tractor while working on it.
The ramps are eight feet long. They simply drop into place on the grease rack, so they are easy to remove when the grease
rack is not in use. That makes the rack itself take up only about 3 feet by 6 feet of floor space. When not in use, I stand
the ramps up against a wall, out of the way.
A couple of years ago, one of our Cub 127 hydros died from a broken pin in the front end of the drive shaft.
I could pull the mower up to the grease rack, but I couldn't push it up the ramps.
So I added an old hand-cranked boat winch to the front of the grease rack.
Then, all I had to do was turn the crank, adjusting the steering now and then,
to get the machine up where I could easily repair it.
In the summer time, I set the grease rack up as you see it, in one corner of the garage and in the winter I
stand it on end. That way, it only takes up 2 feet by 3 1/2 feet of floor space.
If you are interested in building one of these handy devices, I have a 10 page set of
home-made plans. Send me a check or money order for $5.00 which includes S&H, made out to Pete Stanaitis. I make no claims of fitness for use. If you drive off the end or off the sides, that is your problem.
Send payment and request to:
Pete Stanaitis
2476 10th Ave W.
Baldwin WI 54002